Bill Cosby and dual natures
December 17, 2015
The allegations against Bill Cosby are the latest reminder that our capacity for depravity never fully leaves us.
December 18, 2015
I was a crack addict and a thief
Now I'm addicted to love with belief
That all things are possible through faith in God
Evident in those troubling times our Savior did guide
Never giving up on me
When I was blind, couldn't see
He said, "John if you just turn to me
I'll transform you most lovingly"
So I did
And He took this wretched man
into the palm of His hand
Reshaped my whole life Removed the pain and the strife
He breathed on me, said you are anew
From that very moment, I blossomed, I grew
So if you ask me how do I know that Jesus exists
I'll tell you that what once tempted me, I'm now able to resist
But tell you also it's not me 'cause I tried it before
Failed every time 'til our Father did restore
Me, abundantly
O Lord we praise your Holy name
And while some things remain, I'm no longer the same.
This poem WASAM speaks on opposing natures within one body, thankfully our Heavenly Father waited on me to put aside foolishness and commit to the life and teachings of Jesus the Christ
December 18, 2015
In Reply to John Davis (comment #27725)
That was beautiful John. It spoke to me about the days (years) I lived in sin. How good is God to forgive us again and again if we stop our sinful ways and turn to him.
And this article is helping me see that we all have that dark side.
August 17, 2016
In Reply to John Davis (comment #27725)
Well said your poem gave me many things to think about in my mind I'm saying give this man one of Gods children A hardy Amen thank you for sharing such a wonderful poem.
April 27, 2018
Reading the above poem made the article even more worthwhile. Thanks.
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