About Us

Welcome to our community of Christian, pop-culture enthusiasts! We produce a digital magazine, podcast, and videos that help believers connect their fandom with their faith.

Faith and pop culture already coexist in the lives of many Christians. We hope to bring intentionality and discipleship to that reality. As we watch television shows and movies, listen to music, or play video games, there are a few key questions we consider:

  • How does this show, movie, music, or video game interact with God’s story?
  • Does it echo the gospel in some fashion?
  • Does it provide evidence of our need for the good news?
  • Does it contradict our understanding of the world in a way that deserves a loving response?

We try to answer these questions with grace, appreciation, and discernment. Rooted in the Reformed tradition, we recognize that all of culture falls beneath God's sovereignty and that by his common grace believers and unbelievers alike are capable of creating beautiful things. We do not attempt to “baptize” popular culture, but rather recognize that we sometimes see glimpses of God’s truth in unlikely places. There is no such thing as secular, so let’s consider Christianity and pop culture together. Will you join us?

You can find us on Facebook and Twitter, or sign up to receive our articles, podcasts, and videos via email.

ReFrame Ministries

Think Christian is produced by ReFrame Ministries, a global mission to reframe lives with God’s story through indigenous teams that produce media in ten major world languages. For more than 80 years, we have worked to share the gospel, disciple believers, and strengthen the church through media. ReFrame produces a family of programs across a range of topics to help you grow spiritually and find encouragement wherever you are in life.


ReFrame Ministries is the media mission of the Christian Reformed Church in North America, a denomination of about 1,000 churches across the United States and Canada committed to proclaiming Christ in the Reformed tradition around the world.

Our Staff

Josh Larsen


Josh joined Think Christian in 2011 after 16 years in the newspaper business as a reporter, critic, and editor. Josh is also co-host of Filmspotting and author of Movies Are Prayers, as well as a frequent speaker at universities and conferences. If you have any questions about TC that aren’t answered here, you can email him at jlarsen@reframeministries.org.

Rachel Syens

Social Media Specialist

Rachel Syens joined ReFrame Ministries in 2020. She coordinates social media engagement for Think Christian and five other programs at ReFrame.

Jeff Bulthuis

Senior Content Manager

Rev. Jeff Bulthuis came to ReFrame Ministries in 2018. With a passion to see people grow in their walk with God, he manages the editing of the Today daily devotional and provides executive editorial oversight across all ReFrame programs.

Justin Sterenberg

Director of English Ministry

Justin Sterenberg came to ReFrame Ministries in 2013. He serves as director of the English language ministry, leading a team of producers, marketers, web designers, and audio engineers focused on telling God’s story in ways most accessible to media users in today’s digital and mobile environment.