Chris Rock, Ferguson and racial reconciliation
December 4, 2014
Chris Rock’s thoughts on Ferguson are instructive for Christians committed to the restorative work of racial reconciliation.
December 5, 2014
I admire Chris Rock for many things. Years ago he cleaned up his language and is a great comedian and is honest, kind and a great actor. I was raised in the US Air Force so there were no racial issues in my family. People are people regardless of their country of origin, color of their skin, and the language they speak.
Unfortunately my grandfather was racist and called black people "N@#$%^#s" and I was greatly offended.
I have many friends of many different cultures, faith and so on and see them as Jesus sees them. I also talk to those on the bus who appear to be drunk or doped up, are homeless or have a mental illness who are not being housed or medicated so that they can function in this world.
God has given me the gift of ministering to the poor, downtrodden and outcast. Been there myself.
December 16, 2014
While I'd question his approach of his last argument (that it's inherently unfair to inherit the benefits of the hard work of your parents), there's definitely a lot of food for thought it what he has to say here.
December 30, 2014
Good evening all I just believe that love and order conger hate no matter what creed or color you are like Martin L King quote we shall over come one day be bless all.
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