If Mark Twain were alive today...

Jeff Carpenter

Todd Jenkins
February 15, 2011

He would probably find all of his worst fears about religion realized and amplified. He would certainly wonder aloud at a politically polarized Christian culture that turns a blind eye to adultery and demonstrates an outright hatred of the poor, disabled and immigrants. There is very little Christ left in modern Christianity, and I'm sure his thoughts would carry an "I told you so" spirit.

Brooklyn Cravens
February 15, 2011

When all is said and done, one is hard-pressed to look at the world and say that it is truly getting better. Deep down, everyone knows the deviance of the human heart. Since Twain talks about it, that's probably a huge reason why it's selling so well.

As for Christianity, I don't doubt his hard criticism of it. However, had he taken the time to thoroughly read some of the Bible, namely one of the Gospels like John, I'd be very interested in his opinion of Jesus and what the Bible really stands for (versus what humans twist it into).

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