13 Reasons Why and Facing Our Sins of Omission

Jordan Magill

Jordan Magill
May 1, 2017

A tough show about teen suicide, 13 Reasons Why reminds us of the biblical call to intervene.

May 1, 2017

Thank you for this, Jordan. You've said a mouthful here...and it's such a timely and important message. I especially resonate with your insight here:

"The trouble is, when we see sin simply as activities to deny, obedience to God becomes merely an exercise in abstinence."

I would elaborate on that by saying that it's been my experience that it's frequently easier to abstain FROM something when you're living FOR something with which that particular thing isn't compatible. Temptation loses much of its sting when you're bathed in the sense of being about the Father's work--even if imperfectly.

May 1, 2017

I attended Christian schools for 12 years during the 1950s,'60s,and '70s and faced unrelenting bullying ranging from name-calling and ostracization to sexual assault. I survived, but not without self-injury, suicidal thoughts and depression. By second grade, I'd learned to keep my mouth shut and not say anything. It happens even in schools that teach the golden rule daily, and the adults often have no clue.

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