A life of faith, softly spoken
September 20, 2014
Kimberly Davis eulogizes her cousin Timothy and the singular life of faith he led.
September 21, 2014
What a beautiful tribute! Inspiring, touching and profound. Thank you for sharing Tim's story.
September 22, 2014
"his faith was in everything he did"
I can't imagine better words for a member of God's family.
September 23, 2014
Very beautiful tribute. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Reading this is also a great reminder to me that we don't always "have time." We won't always have the time to talk to a loved one before we lose them, but more importantly, we shouldn't put off growing God's kingdom. We shouldn't put off being a good example of God's love or being an active part of God's community. Our time on this earth will run out, often before we want or expect it to; we should live every day like it's our last. I pray that my faith is always as apparent to those around me as Tim's was.
September 23, 2014
Kimberly- thanks for taking the time to honor your cousin. I wish I knew him. Thank you too for the reminder that opportunities for human connection and community surround us daily. In an increasingly digital world, human touch has become a scarce commodity. Hugs and smiles have the potential to communicate more today than they did even a year ago. Thank you most of all for helping us all understand that God has uniquely gifted those with what our society may refer to as "disabilities" with an amazing ability to love, show empathy, live life and invite others into relationship with an authenticity often lacking among those who feel they have it all together. Again, I wish I knew him. Thanks for introducing him to us.
September 29, 2014
Tim, you are an inspiration to all who have had the privilege to read this story. Thank you for reminding me that life is short and our days are numbered, but we are blessed to have the opportunity to be an example of what it means to be followers of Christ.
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