Antoinette Tuff and Romans 12:21 in action
August 23, 2013
Ms. Tuff showed that true strength is in the love of Christ, not the barrel of a gun. She heard the gospel, studied the gospel and lived the gospel. And as she rightly noted, all of this goes to God. I'm glad she's one of his people.
( timfall.wordpress.com )
August 23, 2013
God gives us many tools, including guns. Antoinette is, without question, one of the greatest heroes of our day. She was given an opportunity to build a relationship with the shooter, and she took it. This isn't always the case, though. Sometimes, and hopefully always as a last resort, a gun may need to be used to provide resolution to the situation.
August 23, 2013
If it came to that being the only choice in order to save some school children, perhaps. But if it's merely about saving myself, I'm not so sure: http://timfall.wordpress.com/2012/12/17/killing-kindergartners-and-why-i-still-dont-carry-a-concealed-weapon/
August 29, 2013
What I find amazing, and encouraging, about this is that Antoinette is an ordinary person, and she doesn't pretend to be otherwise. She's not a talk show host, a famous author, a person who expects people to recognize who she is and be impressed by her. She is an ordinary person who behaved in an extraordinary manner, because she walks so close to Christ.
When you get down to the actual living, breathing, doing-it-the-way-Christ-says type of thing, this is what it looks like, and it blows us away because this is not what we usually see.
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