Ariana Grande’s ‘God is a Woman’ — Close, but Still Sacrilege
October 2, 2018
Can female sexuality be celebrated without being idolatrously elevated?
October 8, 2018
Despite the abundant imagery, this song isn't about religion (it’s just a passing metaphor) or sexuality. Note how Grande herself comments on the glass ceiling in the video:
"to my fellow goddesses who work their a**es off every day to 'break the glass ceiling', this is for you. i respect u and am endlessly inspired by u. pls continue to f*** it up, to be yourself unapologetically & always know how celebrated u are. hope this can be ya anthem".
"God Is a Woman" is about women. It's about all the times women have been shamed for enjoying sex or even desiring it, but that's only one example among the many ways that women have been marginalized by men over the centuries.
So I wouldn't take this song as liberating women to be licentious or self-absorbed in a deifying way. Rather, it’s liberating women from the societal expectations that were largely written by men.
If Grande's approach appears unbalanced in its empowerment of women, I contend that this is necessary in cases where imbalance exists to overcompensate rather than normalize the current, oppressive state of affairs (such as #BlackLivesMatter).
January 12, 2019
Alex Bersin's response is so perfect, I have no additional comments.
June 4, 2021
In what ever manner is the rendition of this Song, in it's entirety is blasphemous in the eyes of God and this is a clear indication of the evil that is manifesting in the world of music and entertainment in the world today which usher as instrument of lies and deception of the evil into one's mind to those who are entertained by it. We are now in the Last Days and it is imperative of us according to the sovereign notion by which how His imminence is to be taken on the account of God's holiness shall be threated with much solemnity and high divine respect because He is God and we awaits at His soon return. We, strictly speaking as we are standing in the right perspective of our faith and spiritual belief, should not therefore alter the truth relating God because that is tantamount of dishonoring His holiness. God is holy that should not be taken lightly or face the consequencies of His wrath at the proper time by our earthly norms imputed to the truth that only stained His divinity. We should not mock God in any form. We learn in history that people who mock God had face the severity of their action without excuse.
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