Batman v Superman and the limits of super powers
March 28, 2016
Despite awkward allusions to Jesus Christ, Batman v Superman shudders at the idea of power through weakness.
March 29, 2016
I have to totally agree with you. The dialogue was so shallow and the playground emotions so juvenile, I nearly wanted to leave. Its very few redeeming qualities included the Wonder Woman cameo which I felt was an excellent rendition considering the patriotic look and invisible jet would have only added to the cheesiness. The part that I was the most disappointed with was the paradigm shift of Batman. For some reason Superman felt the need to refer to his mother as Martha and that sparked some traumatic feelings in ole Bruce and all of a sudden they are best buds. Scriptwriters, editors, director...where was the forethought here people? I felt cheated!
March 29, 2016
Have you seen this movie? Thecway I see things, Superman, is the only God-like character here and even so, Supes is not God or Jesus nor does he pretend to be. Lex is power hungry and has money at his back but not "All Powerful" and Batman is justice and revenge driven. Nothing God-like there either. I really enjoy movies but do not look at every film ever made as either Christian or Anti-Christian. Why can't something be made for mindless entertainment? Nothing against anyone or their opinions but telling others not to see a movie because it does not uphold strict christian beliefs isn't right.
Thanks for listening.
TC Staff
March 29, 2016
In Reply to rsbrown (comment #28029)
Hi rsbrown,
Thanks for taking the time to comment. Sorry if I gave the impression that I disliked Batman v Superman because it doesn't "uphold strict Christian beliefs." I disliked it because it's extremely poorly conceived and constructed, and has a very limited, confused understanding of power. I brought in the Christian understanding of power because this is a Christian site and Christianity offers one other way of looking at the place of power. I'd also argue that the movie's distinct framing of Superman as a Christ figure also opens it up to this sort of consideration. If you look at our other film pieces on this site, you'll find that we don't really categorize them into "Christian" or "anti-Christian" categories.
November 16, 2017
I agree with your assessment with one exception. You fail to mention Wonder Woman, who brings the one light of wisdom and common sense to the movie. That is why Justice League will not be "more of the same." Wonder Woman takes point.
"It's not about what you deserve. It's about what you believe. And I believe in Love." Wonder Woman
TC Staff
November 16, 2017
In Reply to Robert Castro (comment #30706)
You're right, Robert, that Wonder Woman was a rare bright spot in Batman v Superman and her standalone movie would prove to be refreshing. I've seen Justice League already and wish I could tell you that she is able to turn the direction of this series around, but alas. She holds her own, but is also undercut in troubling ways. Look for my post on that next week.
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