Can wisdom come in 140 characters or less? Ask Solomon

Nathan Bierma

June 22, 2009

It is a fun perspective on how we humans think. Microblogging (Twitter in this case) is not an ideation of the internet alone as Nathan points out, Jesus who used Pithy one liners used the same ideas.

I had to laugh, Jesus and pithy in the same sentence, as well as the counter example given (this post).

But just as no tweet can stand alone, there is a context, and understanding that goes with each proverb. This is why we have scholars, preachers, and teachers who continue to educate us on those proverbs. Even the ones Jesus said.

Thank you Nathan for bringing my daily chore into a more spiritual activity.

But I am a little concerned that you can write three pages worth of text today and it'll take a week for 140 characters. Perhaps you should be more concise in general? Or is the in-between a no-mans-zone?

June 22, 2009

this is a cool post. i'm not really a techie. but i do appreciate your insights. at our church, i've been tasked to preach at least once a month. i always struggle to be concise and cohesive in the messages i give. reading blogs and the like give help guide my sermon construction. the internet is a great tool to see how people are able to communicate in such a short time but with a meaningful message...sometimes. your article also made me realize how rich the Bible is, with all its different types of literary genre. How wonderful the Lord is to communicate Himself in so many ways.

have a blessed day

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