Christian tablets and cultural engagement
July 23, 2012
Great article! I am already trying to frame my thinking on this with my preschoolers. There is so much media coming at them even now. So far my tactics include talking talking talking about everything I see them "ingest." I'd love to see an article with more information on your journey through this parenting quagmire!
July 23, 2012
Lael, that's a great question. I think talking with them is great, asking questions also great (lets them talk back). As important (if not moreso), modeling discernment in the way that you interact with media. ALSO, surround your kids with other people you respect (even if you don't have the same exact standards/criteria) so they can observe a variety of healthy options. This doesn't mean you have to change your guidelines -- it just broadens everyone's perspective and, over the years, adds fodder to the conversations.
I think the larger framework for this entire conversation about shepherding kids in media (and probably any other area) is community. Any other thoughts?
July 24, 2012
Tamara, this is great! I love this: "None of them train our families to think, respond, confess, mature or forgive like a Christian."
Oh, Lord help us! As we raise our 3.5 year old and 1 year old, the fear can easily overtake me, wondering all that they'll have to face. We sure need Him.
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