Clint Eastwood and the Hope of Heaven

Josh Larsen

November 1, 2010

I agree the movie was spiritually cold. But I wish you had addressed the dangerous promotion in the movie of contact with the dead. Matt Damon (as George) is shown as being totally accurate, and it is clear that he is depicted as really being able to contact the dead since he gives accurate information. The source for any such accurate information, if it is not fraudulent or coincidence, is demonic. I was in the occult and had spirit guides. All psychics and mediums have such guides, who are demons. I wrote an article on this movie that should be on my site soon.

November 10, 2010

I like Ex-astrologers comment simply because it comes from experience. It's difficult to speak on any subject with authority without having dealt with it first hand. It's also wonderful to read of the work God has done to bring you out of occult influences. It's frustrating how that entire concept blows by people when they look into 'connecting with spirits'. I cringe at the surge in popularity of these so-called 'ghost hunter' tv shows training up the next generation of witchcraft users. I highly doubt this movie looks into these subjects biblically. Nor does it even suggest that it might. I simply am criticizing hollywood in general for the stance they have taken to be as blasephemous as possible essentially saying: "look, God didn't strike us down for saying that, therefore he doesn't exist..." Thats probably a post for a more general article, but oh well. As for the Hope of Heaven, we can rely on the promise that God is just. Common to human experience is the recognition where and how justice can or needs to be served. Heaven gives us that assurance. The concept of evil itself becons good. There are tears that need to be wiped away, rivers of pain that need healing... so on etc. John gave us Revelation of Jesus being worshipped by an incalculable number from every tribe and nation. A vision of every wrong being made right. It testifys to the truth of Eternity. Not a human conjuring of a need to imagine an afterlife. How petty is that. How futile. How pagan. These ideas are the product of a society bored with life, stimulated into obscurity, fattened off of the land, and quite frankly spritually destitute.

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