Encanto’s Ode to Mental Health

Marilette Sanchez

Marilette Sanchez
January 26, 2022

The animated musical’s “Surface Pressure” reminds us that we can’t love our neighbors if we’re mentally exhausted ourselves.

Andi Potter
January 31, 2022

Thank you for sharing this vulnerable story! I loved Encanto so much, especially because it encourages us to be open to sharing our inner struggles. I'm sure many others can relate to your experience. I spent May and June of 2020 dealing with stomach aches and panic attacks, and went in for tests only to learn it was all caused by stress. I was trying so hard to hold everything together at work and home the same as before, but I needed to admit to myself that I was putting far too much "pressure" on myself. Blessings to you in 2022 and thank you for this thoughtful piece!

Marilette Sanchez
February 2, 2022

Hi Andi,

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. I’m sorry you went through that, but I’m glad you came out of that difficult season a little wiser. Thanks for making me feel a little less alone in my experience. Appreciate you!


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