Even more hot, steamy Christian sex
January 29, 2014
It seems that the concept of Christians enjoying and talking about sex – especially hot, steamy sex - is still a novelty.
January 29, 2014
To me, the issue with such performances is not about whether or not Christians view sex as theological, personal, or likely some combination of both, but when and if it is ever appropriate to display or view things that are meant for your spouse alone. In this aspect, I find it difficult to see the performance as a demonstration of healthy sexuality in marriage, because it seems clear to me that a biblical sexuality is not meant to involve others in the intimate experience itself. There's a point where it becomes voyeurism.
I think married Christians should enjoy amazingly satisfying sex lives. There are great resources out there that couples can go through together or even with a small group of trusted friends. Talking about how to enhance this area of married life SHOULD BE a topic of great interest to believers and we shouldn't be ashamed of it. However, there is a great difference between talking about it candidly and performing (or participating by viewing) a live demonstration!
January 29, 2014
What's more watched, the Grammy's or the Superbowl? How does Beyonce's performance at both affected how we, as a culture, look at sex? How does the industry of which Beyonce is a part treat issues regarding sex?
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