Football and the Virtue of Tolerating Disappointment

Todd Hertz

Brett Barner
August 25, 2010

Really enjoyed this article. Thanks, Todd!

August 25, 2010

Sure sets the prosperity "gospel" on its ear---thanks for a thoughtful essay.
How to share the trait, the different way to live, must come through our homes and our churches, in where our affections and interests and attentions lie. When I was teaching high school students, I made it the class mantra to "step away from the mirror, look out the window"---that is, step away from self-absorbed living and broaden the vision of a world outside one's experience. Studies of world literature were complemented with research papers looking at problems of developing nations and where solutions lie---where's the hope? In our family, we emphasized exploration and learning over indulgence, meaningful experiences over entertainment. Our church has echoed the same, finding ways to support and partner with causes and people and communities.
I appreciate the lead-in about a journeyman QB, who apparently has been the team player in whatever role he's been given, seeing a bigger picture rather than being all about self. I think Performance and Character are related---character gives definition and nuance to the resulting performance and its quality. I also coached h.s. football, and I made a point to praise and support my linemen, reminding them and the team that the backs and receivers may carry the ball and be awarded the points, but their success was achieved through the line's unsung efforts. I'd rather see a series of well-executed plays and a beautiful block which produces the touchdown rather than the TD itself.

David Justopenthebook.Com
August 26, 2010

One key to sharing our character to a lost world is living your life in public. Whatever your position in life, if you share in your struggles and delight and share God's victories, others can see the way you relied on Christ, and then will become attracted to God's power. As we give Him the glory, the Spirit can work to help others see what we already know.

Frank Nicodem
August 27, 2010

kind of related (instant grat, etc), but more just making me think. or perhaps i was thinking too long about some snarky comment i could make against you for learning ANYTHING from a Packer. but it got me thinking of culture and of people's desire to bend and break God's rules (for the ability to have instant gratification) yet we cannot bend or break plenty of other rules we come across (gravity, etc). shows we obviously as a society still only pay attention to what's immediate even in context of punishment (not just pleasure).

the problem is that god is gracious (for a time) whereas gravity is
not. you might WANT to believe you can deny gravity for a time and
jump 100 feet in the air, but gravity will not let you. ever.
(without aid which isn't breaking the law but only using something
that uses other laws of physics to assist you). you might WANT to
believe you can deny god for a time and do things that normally he
would not "allow". and guess what? you can. he'll let you. in
fact, you won't be "punished" in the same way as gravity would (if you
jump off a building gravity is going to punish you immediately 100% of
the time). he's gracious enough to let you build up quite a portfolio
of attacks against his laws but if you don't reconcile you'll pay.
and far worse than breaking a few legs. and far more eternal. but
see, that's where our society is. delayed something means it never
happens. delay payments, delay responsibility, delay delay delay and
eventually people let you delay it forever. we've built a country up
around being able to layer and layer and layer "assistance" to delay
bad things forever. well...not forever. forever on earth, sure...but
not really forever. those things come due. when you die. but
(thankfully!) god is not a politition trying to woo voters by yet
again in a final act giving more get-out-of-jail-free cards. all that
mercy and grace is wrapped up into one final piece. do you or do you
not fully believe that all your @#$% is taken care of by his son.
cause really, it is %$!#. hence i didn't downplay it by using a word
i can type. its worse than that. its worse than the filthiest
gansta-rapping-sailer-trucker could possibly state. and if you
believe all that can be attoned for because of what christ did, then
all that mery and grace is still available. if not... no soup for
you. only one word left. justice. and that's NOT a good word in
this context.

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