Frank Langella and fame
May 15, 2012
In some ways many Biblical figures experienced a kind of fame in their lives. In the case of Christ, we can see several instances of him pursuing contemplative and prayerful isolation, and this can perhaps be a signal to those Christians who attain great public recognition. At the same time, I think we can all agree that attaining public recognition should never be the primary impetuous for any decision a Christian makes, so if any of us manage to attain public recognition, it would behoove us to examine closely our motives and incentives.
November 10, 2021
I’ve always been a huge fan of Frank Langella. When he talked about gaining fame to cover up old wounds. I related to that because I was bullied all through school and I had a lot of old wounds. But in reality that is looking for an outside solution for an inside job. I learned to accept and love myself for who I am. Thank You Frank Langella for sharing this.
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