Holiness or happiness? The challenge of Before Midnight

Aron Reppmann

Josh Larsen
TC Staff
June 17, 2013

Spoiler comment ahead!

Aron, we talked through the ending a bit already in person, but I'm still not sure exactly what to make of it. In terms of what you write about here, the movie seems to argue for the reclamation of that romantic past - the thrill of romance - than any sort of "becoming" or pursuit of holiness. True, things are left up in the air, as they have been in all the films so far, but for the most part Jesse's wooing has won Celine back. Now, to what future, we don't know. Which is why I'm eager for a fourth installment.

Aron Reppmann
June 18, 2013

Josh, I'm eager for a fourth installment, too! But since writing and submitting this piece, I've also found myself wondering (worrying) if my attitude to the films, and to the characters, will be irrevocably changed because of what I've written. Yes, my "holiness vs. happiness" angle is something of an implicit criticism of the way Jesse is working on wooing Celine back -- although his "this life we have together is not the ultimate romance, but it's real" has some potential of going in the way I'd like them to go. Will I as a viewer continue to find their yearnings and struggles charming, now that I have issued them a challenge?

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