How resurrection shakes things up (on ABC and elsewhere)
Elijah Davidson
April 19, 2014
April 19, 2014
ABC's Resurrection is a reminder of the upending power of Easter.
Nick Akey
April 19, 2014
April 19, 2014
I like to think of ressurection and the veil being torn in kind of the same way. They both are events that basically just WRECKED everything that people thought they knew. It totally smashed the status quo and changed the world forever.
What I really wonder, is did the excitement ever wear off? I know for me, sometimes I'll go to a retreat or a camp or something and come back with this CRAZY high, all passionate about God, and the Gospel... And then after a while.... It just fades away. "
So I wonder if this Resurrection excitement ever sort of "Faded Away for those who experienced it"
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