How Should Christians Engage with Pop Culture?

Jordan An

Jordan An
February 19, 2021

As we allow our faith to motivate and inform how we navigate the world around us, how should we as Christians engage with pop culture?

April 7, 2021

Greetings ,
The bible has given us a guide to go by. Whatsoever is good, true, pure.....
The church is always trying to match up with society. Each time society drops from a standard the church follows suit instead of holding to a higher standard.
Why we are were we are today with gay rights within the church, something that's an abomination to God.
We have rock music in churches.
The Bible us being set aside for our feelings to be the guide of what's right and wrong. Yet our hearts are deceitfull above all others.
The church needs to stick to a higher standard not to keep trying to stay even with it.

April 8, 2021

Well said, Jordan! Thank you for a balanced and enlightening article.

Joshua Collins
August 20, 2021

I am preparing myself to be a screenwriter, producer, and movie theater chain entrepreneur. I am wanting to make films and show the films I make in my own theaters. The restaurant business has huge variety in any given area. Can not cinematic entertainment have more variety? There should be more types of movie theaters than one set of offerings for going out to see a movie entertainment just like going to different restaurants.

June 19, 2022

And what exactly is wrong with rock music in church? There's nothing unclean with the style in itself

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