'I am not a millennial! I am a human being!'

Karen Swallow Prior

Bronwyn Lea
September 17, 2013

This is indeed the most documented and studied generation, and sadly social studies often come up with reductionist and pejorative conclusions (at least, when their results are simplified enough for mass media interpretation). Thank you for a wise call to grace.

September 17, 2013

Your student's take is one that actually did apply to previous generations. I remember thinking the same about how older people viewed my cohort, growing up when The Who sere singing about their generation and hoping to die before they got old (the didn't; wonder how they feel about that).

I bet the same can be said for the generation preceding and succeeding mine. The real focus for us though should be the one you reach in the conclusion, Karen. God loves individuals throughout the generations. Let's remember that as we interact with those older than us, younger than us, and of our ages.


P.S. One of the most striking things about John Merrick was his amazing and deep rooted faith in Jesus. He knew who his redeemer is, and where his peace is found.

Karen Swallow Prior
September 17, 2013

Thanks for reading and affirming, Brownyn. Even when we study them out of love, we can forget what a burden that can be.

Karen Swallow Prior
September 17, 2013

From one old gal to an old guy, thanks, Tim! :)

September 17, 2013

I'm old. You're a whippersnapper.

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