Is Hulu’s The Path Any Stranger Than Our Own Faith?
June 1, 2017
Believing that we’re right doesn’t make our beliefs any less odd.
June 1, 2017
A helpfully kind perspective, Alex. Thanks for sharing this. I'm reminded of something we learned in my intro to Christian history class in college. When you're an average, mostly illiterate Roman citizen, and you hear rumors from your friends that devotees of this strange new religion called The Way are gathering in secret meetings underground to eat the body and drink the blood of the one they call their Lord and Savior...isn't it logical to conclude they're cannibals?
June 1, 2017
Thanks and I agree. Our indignation at satirical or even spurious depictions and perceptions of our faith troubles me. We ought to embrace that our beliefs are foolishness to many because that only reinforces the need for God's gift of faith.
Beliefs that are simply the most logical or factual or historically-evidenced don't need God. Jesus' resurrection may have had 500 eye witnesses, but we still have to take those accounts on faith--both in veracity and transmission.
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