Justin Timberlake’s Song of Sanctification

Julia York

Julia York
February 27, 2024

Can Christians glean anything from Timberlake’s “Sanctified,” yet another pop song to place sex and love in a religious context?

Wild Hart Collective
June 18, 2024

I think its important to listen to the song with caution and not absorb Timberlakes lyrics as completely sound doctrine. However I think we need to have a merciful perspective when listening to the place the artist is at in his own personal walk. Artists share with the public moments in the timelines of their lives and their thoughts and feelings in a very creative and sometimes complex way. Is Timberlakes heart transformed and is there evidence? This could be the evidence. Even though it’s flawed. Much the evidence from the rest of our lives and the lives of those transformed by Gods grace and forgiveness is complex and fails at times to be a good representation that God has changed us. Timberlakes doctrine will likely never be perfect, and his walk in life will never be sin free. That is a message he is clearly admitting to, and that is the evidence that he does understand the GRACE and mercy of the cross. That is the gospel though. Jesus came to live a perfect life so we don't have to. We are redeemed in our sinful state. Many in the church will criticize like the pharisees. Let’s pray for him and let God continue to transform all our hearts.

June 18, 2024

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