Mighty Thor’s Walk to the Cross
March 27, 2018
The unworthy gods of the Marvel comic find salvation in a sacrificial act.
March 27, 2018
I enjoyed your take on Thor; the compare and contrast to Jesus. I have no doubt the Marvel author intended the comparison. They say timing is everything. I thought so much of your articl that I shared it on my Facebook page for my friends to read. If you have any interest, I wrote a short blog piece sometime ago about Thor and Jesus; more of a contrast, really. But it captures my journey with Marvel’s God of Thunder, from his first introduction until I stopped reading the book. Best regards, Steve. Here is the link: https://steveorr.blogspot.com/search/label/1Spiritual%20Reflection%20-%20Gods%20of%20Summer
March 28, 2018
Thank you for this insightful article on a Marvel hero I have missed. I was always (I’m talking 1960s and 70s) more of a DC fan, with the exception of Spiderman and a few others.
But I have always seen comics as current day retellings of traditional stories, with Superman and Batman being clear rehashes of Jesus and other Biblical figures. It’s nice to see that the tradition is still alive....but why wouldn’t it be? The Bible is the ultimate storybook written by the Ultimate Author.
April 1, 2018
Thank you very much for sharing your insight. Following the comics and the heroic end to this universe's take on Thor, I am left reflecting on the retelling of Christs selfless sacrifice through this deliberate parallel. Thank you JR. Forasteros!
April 3, 2018
Great take! My only difference is I believe the biblical account teaches He was worthy before the cross also.
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