Outsourcing our memories to Instagram

Briana Meade

Briana Meade
June 10, 2014

A balanced view of technology may be achieved by remembering God's gift of grace - freedom the anxiety of creating perfect moments for Instagram.

June 10, 2014

I'm not a parent, but I also worry that if I put too much attention into recording my life, I'll forget to experience it. I wonder also if too much instagram makes us focused on performing the good life instead of actually enjoying it. I agree with you that the answer is attentiveness and moderation!

June 10, 2014

This is an interesting thought to consider. My wife often says she regrets that, by comparison to many of our friends and family, our family shares relatively few pictures--particularly of us together. But we also both have so many very fond memories together, special moments that we cherish and revel in with just a few "hey, you remember back when..." statements. I love that scene in the wedding episode of The Office where Jim and Pam are in the room and her veil has torn and so Jim takes a pair of scissors to his necktie. In that sentimental moment, Pam emulates snapping a photograph with her empty hands as if to say, "I'll never forget this moment. This is special. I don't even need a photograph to remember it." My family has lots of those moments, and I guess I can't really regret that we don't always have photos to go along with them.

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