Playing without apology

Deborah Lewis

August 9, 2011

I have found the same scenario in my life recently -- housework, oil changes, etc. I like the idea of X'ing a day off for play. I do have a weekly Sabbath when I go to church, enjoy physical rest and absorb spiritual food. But I like the "play day." 

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

August 9, 2011

I learned (or relearned) how to play when I became a grandmother. Playing Peek-A-Boo, or Barbie, or Legos, or coloring or hide and seek or dancing to the latest Go Fish song--all are great ways to play.

August 9, 2011

Agreed. The market was made for man, not man for the market.

August 10, 2011

Thanks for this reminder.  The few times I take the opportunity to draw or paint with my kids, it is such a pleasure being lost in the process.  The article reminds me of what I took away from Rabbi Abraham Heschel's book, The Sabbath.  The Sabbath is an opportunity, a gift, from God to participate in the eternal--that is timelessness.  Freedom from the time constraints among others constraints that we impose on our lives.  I plan to include some X days too in the year upcoming year to learn to relax and allow the gift of the day unfold as it will.

August 10, 2011

Thanks for the comments, friends.  It's interesting that several of you have picked up on the thread of Sabbath.  My original piece in catapult had a bit more on that theme as well.  Even having written about it, it still helps to hear these affirmations.  Yes, we need to learn/relearn to play.  Yes, we need time without constraint.  Yes and thanks!

August 11, 2011

Thanks for this. I'm putting some big X's on my calendar now. I hadn't thought about deliberately establishing a rhythm instead of waiting for random moment for play to emerge my business. I guess it's like music, the rhythm doesn't just happen.

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