Presence and Absence in Past Lives

Zachary Lee

Zachary Lee
July 6, 2023

The indie drama reminds us that loss, while difficult, can lead to new life.

September 24, 2023

Thank you for this piece on one of the most beautiful films of this year. I found Past Lives to be a reminder of how every part of our story is important. Every interaction, moment, and connection is what propels us on to the next part of the timeline. In some ways, those very things shape us and form us, and we carry them with us. I found myself reflecting on friendships and relationships of the past, that either ended suddenly or ended due to the nature of drifting into different lanes. An interesting thought to ponder on, how we only interact with certain versions of others at different times in their lives and vice versa, and how those version we carry with us, even when we are no longer in touch or contact...such a beautiful film and so many ways we can connect to it!

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