Prison runs and Paul’s urge to race
Johnathan Kana
July 9, 2014
July 9, 2014
Oregon's prison runs remind us that the prize isn’t found in finishing first. It’s in being found worthy to run the race at all.
Amanda Cleary Eastep
July 9, 2014
July 9, 2014
I'm finding a great deal of education and encouragement in your posts. Your writing is a blessing.
Michael Chaddock
July 9, 2014
July 9, 2014
An awesome opportunity for people on the "outside" to be reminded of the humanity of those on the "inside." Yes, they made mistakes in their life, but they are still children of God.
Thanks for sharing Johnathan !!
July 9, 2014
July 9, 2014
Thanks, Amanda and Michael, for the affirming remarks. I'm truly glad that this story resonates with you as much as it does with me.
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