Spiritual Intimacy and Silent Knicks

Joshua Coldagelli

Joshua Coldagelli
March 9, 2017

By playing a first half in silence, the Knicks modeled a spiritual discipline we'd do well to follow.

Susan Harry
March 9, 2017

Thanks for the reminder that this is a season (and life) that we need it all to be stripped down and focus on the core that is Jesus.

Donna Millard
March 9, 2017

Hmm. I used to be better at my alone times with Jesus. I used to meditate on the scripture that says be still and know that I am God. Now I have standard formula for prayer life so my mind is always going. I probably need more of the still time. I am not aware of any place in the Bible where there is a claim that God blesses the busy mind !!!

Grant Konyndyk
March 17, 2017

I really enjoyed this article and how you connected it to the Christian faith. I grew up in a very traditional church where some of the members don't even want kids to walk to the front of the sanctuary for a children sermon because it is deemed distracting. My views are that extreme but I do feel like the sanctuary should be a distraction free zone free of cell phones and other out side world distractions.

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