Star Wars: The Last Jedi and Keeping the Faith

Josh Larsen

Josh Larsen
December 18, 2017

Star Wars: The Last Jedi isn’t about the victory of the faithful, but the kindling of faith.

Jeff Titterington
December 18, 2017

Well-written, and very carefully worded to avoid spoilers! Josh, you've found words for my thoughts. Western Christians must give up the desire to control our society. We've made an idol out of something which we've never had. There was a veneer of "cultural Christianity" which has peeled away.

Josh Larsen
TC Staff
December 18, 2017

Thanks Jeff. And I'm glad I did right by you on the spoilers!

Mark Sommer
May 4, 2018

Excellent review and commentary, Josh. Give up control. Exactly the message we need today, I think.

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