Suicide Squad's Devil in Disguise

Josh Larsen

Josh Larsen
August 11, 2016

Should we put much faith in the authoritative god figure of Suicide Squad?

Donald Stevens
August 11, 2016

Used an idea from this film in my message last Sunday. Note that the Squad is resistant to working together or actually accomplishing anything until Flagg releases them from the leash by destroying the device that controls the explosives in their necks. Once freed from the "law" the Squad operates under grace, works together, and comes out victorious. Compare with Romans 9:30-10:4

Josh Larsen
TC Staff
August 11, 2016

In Reply to Donald Stevens (comment #28782)
I like that Donald!

August 11, 2016

In Reply to Donald Stevens (comment #28782)

With the caveat, of course, that this is entirely humanist and therefore a poor shadow of a substantial example?

I'm deeply in favor of exploring the eternal quest to find God that permeates modern media. So, this exposition and Mr. Steven's reply are very interesting. My concern is that at the end, when they began to work together, they were still without God and effectively mimicking those at Babel who believed they could do it without Him. That is dangerous if left hanging.

Mr. Larsen, very good. One of your best. (Of course, I probably won't actually watch the movie myself. Glorification of the bad guys and all.) I like that you point out the deception.

John Kelley
August 12, 2016

I think this is an appropriate response to an otherwise comic book adventure. I see these images in comics all the time, but, as a Christian I see the analogy and share the truth in conversation. The culture is immersed in this genre and they need to be brought to the door of reason in their wonderings.

David Greusel
August 12, 2016

Um, Josh, doesn't this review have some spoilers in it? Isn't it considered polite to warn the reader ahead of time? I don't feel like I need to see the movie now (not that I felt a strong need to see it in the first place).

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