‘The Beaver’ isn’t Mel Gibson’s confession
May 27, 2011
Any part of me that longs for the "confession" of another is a part of me that is not loving that individual completely. This way of thinking is one of the primary targets that un-believers strike at when bringing criticism against christians, and I think they are right to do so. This feeling is not one of waiting to celebrate with the confessor, but rather a sense of being "incensed" about their behavior, even though it is not pointed at us, and is really none of our business.
May 27, 2011
I've always liked Mel Gibson on screen, and have been mostly disgusted and mystified by his real-life persona (which probably could be applied to many more than just Gibson). What I have been impressed by in the contex of his ongoing issues has been the loyalty and supportive confidence of professional partner and patient friend, Jody Foster.
May 27, 2011
I agree that private, one-on-one or small group confession is preferable. A cleansing experience, per 1 Jn 1:9. But when one is a public figure, and shortcomings make the news, what is the best method for making things right with all those who have felt the sting? I've been looking forward to The Beaver, but not as a confession. Now your comments got me thinking. I'm wondering what his intentions were in making it. Perhaps Gibson has, or will, shed light on that at some point.
June 2, 2011
And if this film was Gibson's confession, people still wouldn't be satisifed. Audiences that cannot see "a Mel Gibson" film because they cannot dissociate him from his work are fickle and hypocritical. Unless you personally know Gibson, how... does his off-screen antics really affect you? It shouldn't, because all we as movieoers know of Gibson is what we've see onscreen. Like his friend, Jodie Foster has proclaimed, we shouldn't condone or excuse his actions (that's on him) but at the same time we also shouldn't vehemently turn away from his work or condemn him. On a secular level: grow up! From a Christian perspective: show grace and rise above the vitirol criticism the media and those around you spew. Take a movie at face value, for what it is and what it is trying to do/say.
June 9, 2011
Good afternoon all please do not take this personal...I 'm just trying to figure out why people can't look at these movie star, singer and actors as normal people ...They look at them like they are god and are very quick to judge for the sake of conversation or put their lives up on a screen for sake of a disscussion wow!!!! They are normal people like our selves what ever he has done to his girlfriend that is between him and god and as long as god has forgiven him who are we to be so quick to judge...What if by chance that we where rich verses poor how will we feel if our life was up for grabs on a big screen internet ect...I'm in disbelif because i find that only two kind of people are talk about it's either you have to had to commit a horriable crime or you are rich and famous mmmmmmmmmmm amazing))) and why is it that he have to be a disgrace actor see how that sounds so ulgy are we really thinking like christian. I know this that as we pass judgement on ones life that same judgement shall be pass on our life too...Have a bless day all.
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