The Faltering Faith of First Reformed

Josh Larsen

Josh Larsen
May 22, 2018

Last Temptation screenwriter Paul Schrader returns to his roots—roots we at Think Christian share.

May 22, 2018

Most go to movies to feel good and escape reality. I do. Yet I will see this if it comes to town because it’s cool ???? to think I could reflect on what God’s bringing in a theatre.

May 22, 2018

I'm loving the recent films and TV shows where Christians are depicted as REAL people without all of the answers. We expect each other to behave perfectly and judge harshly when others don't. I was inspired (if I may use that word) to write novels about such things. They won't show up in Christian bookstores for sure. Perhaps God is working in a new way to reach a new culture where the old kinds of sharing faith fall flat as well as encouraging believers He loves us all, answers or no.

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