The haunting beauty of great Americana music
September 7, 2011
John, I love how you pack so much substance into such a small space! Unfortunately, these artists are shadows to todays pop & rock stars... but they make music that should be bouncing off the walls of our hearts. And thank YOU for revealing them to the rest of the world... doing what you've been doing all along the way.
September 7, 2011
Looks like I got some albums to put on my Christmas list. Thanks John! :)
September 7, 2011
so glad i found this!!!! Great writing!
September 7, 2011
Nice to see these artists are still making music.Robbie Robertson is Canadian by the way.
September 7, 2011
Thanks for the review---EmmyLou has been a favorite for decades. She has a backwoods gospel album "Angel Band" (1990's?); I thought her album "Red Dirt Girl" was exceptional; she has a fantastic "Duets" cover-album with a variety of artists.
September 7, 2011
I don't know how Buddy Miller managed to release something without me knowing about it yet. That will definitely be my next musical purchase. I already had the Robbie Robertson album - it's great, just like his others. I'm also anxious to hear Emmylou's latest. Thanks for the reviews, John, it's always good to get your recommendations.
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