The Hobbit, Smaug, and Remembering Who the Real Enemy Is
December 13, 2013
Peter Jackson's second Hobbit film reminds us that Satan is both the primordial Smaug and the great deceiver.
July 13, 2015
Very interesting summary. Thanks for posting this. I made the Biblical connections too.
July 27, 2022
A sound and meaning representation of Tolkien's allegorical tale. The Enemy garbs himself in so many disguises and fools many into rationalizing their sin, making little or nothing of it. How very wary we should all be! Yet millions prefer the false costume over the bright light of Truth. Soon the mask will fall, and the armies of evil will surround us. As in "Return of the King", the battle in the real world is beyond our ability to win. But the King of Kings will triumph!
August 14, 2022
I also rue the divisive spirit of the age. We've stopped listening to each other. United we stood, divided we're fall8ng
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