The liturgical nature of National Novel Writing Month
November 16, 2014
National Novel Writing Month has become a religious practice of sorts that churchgoers of all kinds would recognize.
November 16, 2014
Such a beautiful piece, Chad.
I only have one issue with it: I don't think you're a failed Christian. Quite the contrary: you seem to get just what being Christian is all about.
November 23, 2014
Hello Chad Comello
With all due respect fail is not in the lord vocabulary, you may be new too some of the expectations of writing I feel that you have done a great job of explaining why you may feel like you have fail. Remember this we can do all things through Christ that strengthen us. You keep on writing and pushing and before you no it you will have a Heller audience and a impeccable writing skills. I for one can not wait to see how you will expands with you audience and grow stay bless cause you are.
November 24, 2014
I really enjoyed that Chad.it was a lot of food for thought. I was once told by a professor that I had the skills to be a good writer. He had himself published a novel and contributed to a New York magazine. But other things got in the way and Here I am wishing I had seen this article before November began just to write something. I guess just released a lot of inner frustration. It seems to me you are on the right track not only in your writing ability but in your faith.
November 24, 2014
I'm in the editing process of my first novel. It has been brought into existence on the breath of a mantra that was shared with me by author, Judith Ortiz Cofer:Do not hope. Do not despair. Only write.
I have found great comfort in adapting this to faith as well: Do not hope. Do not despair. Only surrender.
November 24, 2014
Hello beloveland
I would love to write a novel it has always been one of my biggest dream my problem is that I need some guidance perhaps one day I will get the guidance to help me to publish my first book good luck on your first novel and I wish you success always.
Sister Sharon
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
October 31, 2016
What a refreshing post. I have read about NaNoWriMo for several years. This is the year I have chosen to participate. What an added joy to see this reference to NaNoWriNO in Think Christian. Like so many others I believe liturgies serve a purpose, but true Christian living includes liturgy plus as true writing will include NanoWriNo plus.
October 31, 2016
Not failed. In progress, like all of us who are concerned about pleasing God and being a good neighbor.
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