The Neon Demon: shining a strobe light on narcissism

Josh Larsen

Josh Larsen
June 27, 2016

In The Neon Demon, the characters are undone by a level of adoration that they were not created to receive.

Jim Dekker
June 27, 2016

Thanks, Josh, for this review of a film that, probably without intention, seems to make prophetic comments for not only our society and history. Most distressingly, though, the political narcissism painfully shown in the election campaign in the US and spiritually and politically, possibly fatal, attraction to it to large groups of people seems not to occur to many luminaries and leaders.

June 27, 2016

Anything with the name demon in it was enuff to know I don't need to see it, lol! Saw the preview and that was not by choice,

March 10, 2017

What 'The Neon Demon' does well is depict the beast-like and corrupt way of humanity; When we don't focus our lives on God and His word, we are lost, living animalistic, backwards and depraved lives of filth and hedonism. Our capacity for evil is limitless, and without Him, we stumble and trip through life blinded by the darkness of our sinful nature and the lies of satan.

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