The problem with white Legos
TC Staff
September 3, 2013
Since I'm the one who limited your word count here, David, perhaps I should give you the opportunity to expand on your thought that Legos of non-Piet Mondrian color are an "apostasy." If God likes color and architects should be free to think in any shade, why put any limitation on the "proper" color of a Lego brick?
September 3, 2013
Back in the day, Legos came in a wide variety of brick shapes denoted by the number of nubs on the top (1 by 8, 2 by 4, etc.), thick and thin, with a few slopes and angles for roofs, doors, windows, heads, and wheels. That was about it, and from that kit of parts, a young engineer could make boats, skyscrapers, robots, [guns], figures, you name it. The only limit was the builder's imagination.
Latter day Legos have turned that opportunity on its head. Our son's collection (which numbers thousands of pieces) includes highly particularized bat wings, helmets, ligatures and curved body panels that exist to create one model (The Treasure Cave of Doom or whatever) and one model only. Once you have followed the (excellent) instructions and assembled the highly themed item, there is almost no incentive --or ability-- to repurpose the Treasure Cave of Doom into a car or a spaceship. Because the spaceship is an entirely different kit, with an entirely different set of overly-specific parts in a rainbow of colors.
The Lego Apostasy is taking a toy that is perfectly suited to undirected creative play and making it overly directed, single-purpose and ironically, inflexible.
October 18, 2013
LOVE this, David! My favorite color is blue (for the sky, except on rainy days or at sunrise/set), green (for leaves, except in spring and fall) ... you get it. God didn't need to create all of these colors, nor to give us the ability to perceive them, yet here we are. Having been given the capability, I think we truly have the responsibility to enjoy them if we are to honor God well. Thanks for the reminder that those who are gifted to create in color and form deserve a full toolkit.
March 13, 2017
Disregarded in the conversation is the frustration and pain caused by Legos of any and all colors left on the floor and stepped on, barefoot, around midnight, by an unwitting parent letting out the dog or checking on sleeping kids . . .
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