Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s tweets
February 11, 2011
One of the things that kids will say to their parents is "but so-and-so has one". What kids learn early on (or maybe even just do without thinking about it) is pick someone different each time based on the best option. Mark has an Xbox, Jason has a Wii and Justin has a PS3 so each time Rob wants something, he simply names that friend and has reasons for owning all three. The point of this article, to me, is that if we're not careful, Facebook or other social media "broadcasters" allows for an nth degree of available comparisons. Both in number (I couldn't think of 500 friends off the top of my head in conversation when I was a kid, but now they're all in front of me) and in knoweldge (as the article states, everyone's broadcasting the best of themselves).
February 11, 2011
We would all do well to take a break from social media. And I mean often. Social media, TV, etc., teach us to focus on rapidly changing, insignificant images and stories. Such a rapid pace of existence has left us with the inability to think deeply about significant issues nor independently think for ourselves.
I wish people read more. When we take the time to learn the patience of absorbing a book and its literature, we would again grasp the concept of analyzing important things, not who is going to be the next top model next week or who has a better life than us via Twitter.
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