Unknown Authors of the Age to Come

Paul Vander Klay

Paul Turner
December 9, 2009

This is a fantastic perspective! From a fledgling 41 year old, who senses his own mortality, even now, thanks for reminding me of the great stories to come.

December 9, 2009

Thanks, Paul. Great perspective to hold in front of us on those days that just don't feel productive enough! :-)

December 9, 2009

A great thought provoker and reminder. Thank you, Paul.

Trena Boonstra
December 9, 2009

Thanks, Paul for the ideas. I'm 61 and "I’m getting old enough to begin to see (at a distance if the Lord wills) the end of my days and to get some sense of what I will and won’t accomplish." I've been saying to myself that I need to sit down to evaluate the future. I like your image of the age to come--that is the greatest part of the future.

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