‘Wings of Desire’ and God’s POV

Josh Larsen

February 8, 2010

The Child like faith -- free and simple -- is so gone from my life.
I wonder what it would be like without all the knowledge, without all the apologetics, without all the 'reasons for faith."

What if I could just ... believe!

Red letter Believers
"salt and light"

February 8, 2010

Great film; one of my all-time favorites. To me, it expresses the beauty and blessing of our physicality. Even with our weakness, sin, and struggle, there is something that God gave us that is unique and special among all of his created beings. I think it is common for Christians to fall into the historical traps, like the Gnostics, where we feel that the physical is evil and the spiritual is the only thing to be sought. That's not the testimony of scripture. I love this film for trying to expose the beauty and potential of our physical reality. The ability to love and even to lose love is something the angels may envy in us.

February 9, 2010

Sounds like a good dvd. As a recently retired person I have more time to spend outdoors in the garden, walking etc.& I am filled with praise to God for His creation & for lots of those things I have taken for granted for so long- busy,busy making a living! To delight in the simple, maybe even the frivolous things is agreeing with God, 'it is good'.

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