Women, Church Leadership, and Solo’s Enfys Nest
September 24, 2018
Like the secretive Solo character, are women expected to wear a mask if they want to lead the Church?
September 24, 2018
To answer simply, no women are not required to wear a mask to lead the church.
The most important lessons I've learned about Christ and what it means to be a follower of Jesus, I've learned from a powerful and femine woman that wore no mask when it came to who she is and what she represents. I could speak to her strength and power at length but I'll be brief for our purposes.
In part her strength comes from her relationship to her husband. They honor each other and lift each other up. They pray together and set goals together. This is all to say that women don't need a mask but can it be true without being sexist to say that they do need a man? I don't believe the power of a woman comes from a man, that's a gift only Christ offers. Rather, the power within her can be and should be enhanced by the man she spends her life with and that relationship has the ability to push a woman's limits to new potential.
I hope I didn't get to far off topic. This is a multifaceted conversation that can't be discussed from a single angle or point of view.
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