A Noah who needs Jesus
March 29, 2014
Darren Aronofsky's dark take on Noah made me realize how much this prophet of doom needed the atoning grace of Jesus.
March 31, 2014
Well said, Josh. I enjoy your blog.
March 31, 2014
p.s. your blog helped formed thoughts for my own review:
Saw NOAH over the weekend. After reading many reviews, comments, sermon snippets about it... both pro and con... I am perplexed why some condemn it as a threat to the very bedrock of their faith. What outrage porn! I personally loved it... and can actually hear some of you saying, "of course you did..." Let me tell you why.
I loved the fact that it was a creative, refreshing take on the conventional story told in most American Sunday School classrooms. I thrilled to see a self-proclaimed "non-believer" producer tackle the story with such amazing diligence and creativity. As I posted on the ThinkChristian review I shared earlier here on FB, I believe God is much bigger, more powerful than most believers give him credit for:
1) One can honor the scientific, the supernatural and one's unbelief all in one story without compromising logic, faith or reason, and God will STILL shine through, reaching everyone in its wake, and in their own place/time, plus;
2) Real gems of insight into "inspired scripture" can often be inadvertently offered by secular, humanist, agnostic, atheist, unbelieving friends. I say/pray God uses them, and in spite of us narrow-minded, self-righteous Christians.
I need to believe that God is bigger than all the books in the world can contain, more creative than any movie producer can conceive, loves us more than human intellect or heart can fathom. Some will always be compelled to be suspicious, critical and condemn any and everything that seems to be outside of their box of comfort, and that's okay. It's their right. It's just not in my heart.
After seeing the movie Saturday, I spent much of Sunday sitting lakeside with the Bible in my lap, reading the Noah account afresh, and I saw how the producer connected some of the dots he did in the movie. God speaks in so many ways. All supernatural is not bad. Things we cannot explain or address in doctrinal systems are not bad. Mysteries are good, and I believe it is healthy for man to accept a big dose of mystery as a valid aspect of any reasonable theology or philosophy. If we don't, then we dethrone God. He shares it with us freely. Dare we want more?
So to answer your question about what I thought, it is this: If I am to err, I choose to err on the side of compassion rather than conviction. I want to be remembered for how I loved and smiled with those I disagreed, rather than how I argued and shunned. My constant prayer is that I may be a channel of grace -- never a dam to it, that I may reflect God's unconditional love and mercy, rather than man's fear and loathing of what he cannot control. Aren't we promised perfect peace if we choose to be thankful in all things, think on lovely things, walk this life close to God, with a smile on our face and a song in our heart? If, in the name of compassion, I "compromise the truth" for those who aren't ready then I believe we both win, because we will remain friends, connected at the heart.
May we all learn to look for sparkles along our paths that honor God's goodness in all of creation. May the rocks really cry out. May all creation sing. And may we all one day see and marvel at the great and mighty mysteries of our God! If I have learned anything the past three, marvelous years, it's how treating others with dignity, honor and respect never hurts. All others. Love wins.
April 7, 2014
This is what I thought of the Noah Movie Josh http://blog.yesheis.com/en/noah-movie-review/
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