Appreciating the Apocrypha of The Book of Clarence

D. Marquel

D. Marquel
February 1, 2024

An irreverent riff on the synoptic gospels, Clarence places Christ’s message in a compelling context.

February 1, 2024

How can I contact you directly? I'm also working on a review of Book of Clarence. I would love to share notes...

February 3, 2024

Hello, Jason! You can reach me by email at dustin.marquel@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you.

Clint Williams
February 24, 2024

That was the Worst movie I've ever seen!!!!!!!

May 15, 2024

That was a good movie. It was funny and at the end it was sad, but Jesus was not like that 11 that type of life. just the make up story

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