Bono on Jesus, C.S. Lewis and King David as a bluesman
June 27, 2013
Huh, didn't think Bono and I had anything in common. But I adore C.S. Lewis and my favorite Biblical character is David.
I'd be interested to see that quote played out in his next album....and I don't typically listen to a ton of music! :-)
June 27, 2013
"You just go to the person of Christ." And that right there is the Christian life in one single sentence. Thanks for quoting that one for us, Sarah. And I also appreciated Bono's call for respecting those who don't think Jesus is God, while not getting bogged down in politeness. Great thought-provoker today, Sarah.
( timfall.wordpress.com )
June 27, 2013
I'm a long-time fan of U2, but Henry Rollins of Black Flag was right: The Clash is the band U2 wishes they could be.
June 28, 2013
I've seen both in concert, The Clash 30 years ago and U2 20 years ago. I'll go with U2.
June 28, 2013
U2 at their apex and The Clash at their nadir? Not really a fair comparison.
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