Dimly lit faith: Lucinda Williams’ Ghosts of Highway 20

John J. Thompson

John J. Thompson
February 23, 2016

On Ghosts of Highway 20, Lucinda Williams wavers between utter darkness and non-denominational Gospel light.

Al Schubert
February 25, 2016

So much to say "yes!" to. Lucinda always seems to flirt with the line, "Lord, heal my unbelief." Though most of the congregation will not recognize direct quotes from her songs. Thanks for focusing on the little words and expressive writers!

August 21, 2017

As a nonbeliever...

I am always curious about brilliant songwriters such as Lucinda and Dylan who find faith. I'd be interested in reading an essay on the many songwriters of their caliber who live within the world of "rock and roll" holding strong onto their Christianity. What led to their conversion?

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