Eternals and Embracing Our Vocation

Joe George

Joe George
November 10, 2021

As gifted beings tasked with stewarding the Earth, the MCU’s newest heroes remind us of our call to work for the kingdom.

Dot Steinbark
November 10, 2021

Are you endorsing this movie for teens or children? Is this an appropriate movie for them to see? Thank you.

Josh Larsen
TC Staff
November 10, 2021

Hi Dot,

Thanks for your question. At TC, we don't really think of our posts as "endorsements" for particular audiences. We're more about offering theological reflection on pop culture that will be of interest to Christians who have or plan to watch whatever it is we're discussing. As a parent, I've found Common Sense Media to be helpful in determining what might be suitable for my kids. You can find their article on Eternals here: https://www.commonsensemedia.org/movie-reviews/eternals

Take care,

Josh Larsen, editor
Think Christian

November 10, 2021

Great article, Joe

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