Kesha’s Praying and the True Power of Prayer
July 11, 2017
The pop star reminds us that a prayerful heart is a heart that's ready to be healed.
July 12, 2017
It's hard to imagine a more welcome ray of light in the pop music world than something like this. Powerful stuff. Restorative justice always requires inscrutable courage and a supernatural kind of grace. Christ is here, whether recognized by name or not.
July 12, 2017
Sometimes we have a chance to reach towards beauty and God and develop a better understanding and dive in to being part of something so incredible. This is TRUTH, God's. Thank you.
July 12, 2017
"For me, God is not a bearded man sitting in the clouds or a judgmental, homophobic tyrant waiting to send everyone to eternal damnation. God is nature and space and energy and the universe. My own interpretation of spirituality isn't important, because we all have our own. What matters is that I have something greater than me as an individual that helps bring me peace. This is one of the reasons why I love swimming way, way out into the middle of the ocean and just letting the sea carry my body. It is my greatest form of surrender to the universe, a full-body prayer — or meditation." = From her letter. You give her too much credit.
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