Lupin and the Master Planner
Jane Kim •
July 27, 2021
Arriving from France via Netflix, Lupin reminds us that God knows the blueprint for our lives.
August 3, 2021
Thanks for the review. Lupin certainly is a master planner and, as you say, God is the master planner par excellence. It is a great comfort to be included in God’s plan.
My take on Lupin is that he is something of a “realistic” super hero. No cape no parallel universe super powers, but a hero who near miraculously escapes every predicament, is proficient at astonishing violence, and yet has all the human characteristics of a regular guy and loving (though forgetful) family man. I myself would hesitate to liken him to God. He really isn’t a “Christ-figure”. in the sense that we talk about it in literature either.
I love the production values presented. The fun of Parisian culture is great.
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