Culture At Large
Mocking Christian Protests

Earlier this month, when visitors came to the largest video game conference in the U.S., they were greeted by protesters. The group of people were Christians who were upset at the release of a new video game called Dante’s Inferno. At least that’s what the video game developer, Electronic Arts, wanted you to think.
As Phil Cooke recently pointed out on his blog, the protesters were actually actors hired through a marketing firm for EA. The company hoped the parody protests would generate some publicity like real protests have in the past. The fake mob carried signs saying "Hell Is Not a Video Game" and "Trade in Your PlayStation for a PrayStation." Plus EA even created a website, which unfortunately mirrors some awful Christian design work, to make the protests seem more realistic.
As I read this article, the question that popped into my mind was the same that Cooke shared with his readers.
When the culture creates a parody protest from Christians, isn't that a huge indicator that the real ones they're making fun of, don't work? Maybe it's time Christians created a new engagement strategy.
What do you think?
Topics: Culture At Large, News & Politics, Social Trends, North America