Culture At Large
Prepare Your Ears: The Think Christian Podcast is Here!
We hope you have room for one more podcast in your life, because we’re happy to announce that Think Christian: A Faith and Pop Culture Podcast is just around the corner!
A sneak listen is below. (You can also head on over to our podcast home page or search for Think Christian in your favorite podcast app.) In our brief teaser episode, I break down what to expect and offer an excerpt from my interview with TC writer Joe George about cosplay (and clothing yourself in Christ).
At Think Christian, we believe there’s no such thing as secular, including in popular culture. Our articles explore how pop culture and its cultivators interact with God’s story, and the podcast will be a chance to do this by way of conversation. I’ll talk with a rotating group of TC writers about the latest movies, TV shows, music, comic books, video games, and more.
We’ll also have more than talk. Longtime TC contributor John J. Thompson will be curating Spotify playlists for each episode, organized around the theme for that show. If you want to get a head start on listening to those playlists, you can follow them on Spotify here.
And of course we hope you subscribe to the podcast itself so that you’ll be all set when our first full episode rolls out. If you wouldn’t mind spreading the word by sharing this news with friends and family who you think might be interested, we’d appreciate it. Along with our work here on the website, we hope the Think Christian podcast will be a way for your pop culture fandom to resonate with your faith.
I’ll be talking to you soon.
Topics: Culture At Large